Saturday, November 21

Humble Pie

"And Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him.." (Gen. 17:3)
"Then Abram fell upon his face and laughed..." (Gen. 17:17)

Either Abe is really humble, or he's Chevy Chase circa 1975.

Yeah, yeah, he's bowing down, a means of supplication... he is being humble.

That is why Abraham was the father of a nation and set the patriarchal bar so high.
His humility!

And how do I know?

The greatest professor of all time taught me:

A penitent man shall pass.

"Penitent... Penitent... Penitent man shall pass...

Penitent man...

A penitent man kneels before God... Kneel!!!"

-- Prof. Henry Jones, Jr.

If Abraham and Indiana can be humble, surely the rest of us can try.

Plus, Abe was able to laugh at himself-- the rest of verse 17...

"Then Abram fell upon his face and laughed and said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is one hundred years old?..."

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever
aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold.
When you embark for strange
places, don't leave any of yourself
safely on shore. Have the nerve to
go into unexplored territory."

-- Alan Alda (the actor?!)

"The Lord said to Abram, 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee' " (Gen. 12:1)

"Check thy self before thou wreck thyself"
-- 11th commandment
