Wednesday, February 10

Ma and Pa

One of my favorite teachings concerns the 5th commandment:

Thou shalt not buy retail.


Actually it's as follows:

"Honour thy father and mother..." -- Exodus 20:12

Curious considering the following:

"Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father..." (Leviticus 19:3)

The most important rule in commentating on the Bible:
Always ask WHY!

So... what's the deal?

Why does the order change?
Honor Dad and Mom,
but Fear Mom and Dad?

If someone said,
"I love Jack and Diane... I respect Diane and Jack."
That means something!

Well, according to the Rabbis, "Honour" is more closely connected to adoration, concern, the desire to care for.
Meanwhile, "Fear" refers to awe and respect.

So... why does the Bible say to adore your dad and mom, and be in awe of one's mom and dad?

Think about...

Time's up-- I love the reason many commentators give:
The Bible KNOWS our predispositions.
The Bible assumes a very stereotypical relationship one had towards one's parents.
To fear the father, and feel strong love for the mother.
The Bible warns us-- Hey! Compensate for your natural disposition.
You gotta respect your mama, too. And show your dad some sensitivity and affection!

Everybody needs both of those things now and then.
It's not enough to just respect someone, you gotta love them.
But just love isn't enough, either.
You gotta show a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Find out what it means... to everyone.
Listen to Mom, Hug Dad.

... or whatever parental figures pop up in your life.

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