Wednesday, February 10

Gimme a 'G'-- Gimme an 'O'-- Gimme a 'D'...

"And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances."
-Exodus 15:20

For years I attended Passover Seders (traditional meal during Passover, recounting the Israelites' exodus from Egypt), and women at the table would sing a song on behalf of Miriam.
And, naturally, I mocked them.
People often mock that which they don't understand... also, it's fun!

But reading about Miriam and all she did, I came to appreciate her... plus, Sandra Bullock did her voice in "Prince of Egypt"!

Sure, Moses led the people out of Egypt/slavery.
But remember, he was "not eloquent," rather, he was "slow of speech, and of a slow tongue." (Ex. 4:10)

Meanwhile, Miriam was bold and outgoing-- she convinced Pharaoh's daughter to use Moses' birth mom as a wet-nurse for baby Moses (Ex.2:7-9).
She helped save his life.
Then, when the Israelites needed a cheer-- by george, Miriam helped out big time.
She helped make the freeing of the Israelites a joyous occasion!
A rave needs a DJ, a cabaret needs an emcee, and Miriam filled those sandals!
She was more than just a cheerleader, Miriam helped lift the spirits of the Israelites... and saved Moses' life.

Not that she was perfect-- she'd later talk some smack about Moses and his Ethiopian wife, Tziporrah, and God smote her with leprosy for it (Numbers 12:1-10).
But THAT is what's so great about the BIBLE! The characters are flawed, human, real-- they make mistakes. This let's us know it's okay for us to make mistakes, too... but try to avoid leprosy.

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