Tuesday, November 10

"Dad Always loved you best!"

"Now Israel [a.k.a., Jacob] loved Joseph more than all his children... and he made him a coat of many colors. And when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him..." (Gen. 37:3-4)

"A man should not single out one of his children for favored treatment,
for because of two extra coins' worth of silk, which Jacob gave to Joseph [in the form of his multi-colored coat] and not to his other sons, Joseph's brothers became jealous of him, and one thing led to another until our ancestors became slaves in Egypt."

-- Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 10b

The obvious lesson of Genesis, 37: Don't play favorites with your kids (or at least don't make it obvious)

Sibling Rivalry!

Growing up, my brothers and I would go to our father and demand, "Who's favorite? Which son do you love the most?"

He'd smile, shake his head, and always say the same thing.

"Boys, if you cut off all my fingers, they'll all hurt the same amount."


Thanks, Dad, for comparing fatherly love to the movie "Saw"...

My Dad, the Sweeney Todd of Father-Son chats.

Homer: "Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa's team is playing
Bart's team. You're in direct competition. And don't go easy on
each other just because you're brother and sister. I want to see
you both out there, fighting for your parents' love!
[flicks light on and off]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!..."

-- Mike Scully, "The Simpsons", Season 6, episode 8

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