Thursday, March 18

Runnin' on Empty

"I just felt like running."
-- Forrest Gump, celebrity, legend, exemplary retard

“And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.”

-- Exodus 34:28

Today I ran a half-marathon through the streets of Jerusalem.
21.1 kilometers, 13 miles, one goal: to not lose control of my bowels.

Misson accomplished.

Rabbi Yehuda haLevi, Called “Judah the Prince” because his knowledge was so reknowned, was kind of a racist.
He believed that Jews were superior to all other peoples.
And the basis for his argument?
While on Mount Sinai, getting the Ten Commandments, Moses went 40 days and 40 nights without food or water.

Has anyone else ever done that?
Erego, Jews are the best!

The logic is air-tight.

Truth be told, Jews are superior to other nations because we are prodigious love-makers, blue jean-makers, and we can greenlight a movie faster than anyone else.

So there.

Okay, so while the Rabbi’s reasoning is highly suspect, Moses going nearly 6 weeks with no food or water… that’s impressive.

The lesson here?
… Gandhi was a wuss!

No no no.


The message:
Moses really dedicated himself to God, to the Law and to the Israelites, (and showed how INSANE he was).

In order to succeed at anything in life, you gotta have dedication.

I was coincidentally listening to an interview with Movie Producer Art Linson (Fight Club, Heat, Into the Wild, Fast Times at Ridgemont High)

He said:
The ones who are really gonna survive are the ones who say, ‘I don’t care what you say, I’m doing it.’…. You have to be truly, unafraid to fail.”

“Never trust anybody that didn’t walk the last 35 feet.”
-- Buddy Hackett

I forget who said it, but:

“I’m not one of the all-time greats. I may not even be one of the all-time goods. But I AM one of the all-time survivors”.


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