Friday, November 13

Love-- a 4-Letter Word

"And Isaac... took Rebekah and she became his wife;
and he loved her"(Gen. 24:67)

Strange as it may seem, this is the first instance of someone actually LOVING someone else in the Bible.

Remember, God told Adam, "It's not good for man to be alone; I will make a help mate for him" (Gen. 2:18)-- not exactly flowers and candle light. Sounds like Adam and Eve are buddies, going on adventures, played by Mel Gibson and Danny Glover.

And God told Abraham to sacrifice Izzy, "your son, whom you love" (Gen. 22:1)

But that ain't romantic love!

Izzy and Becca, it's the first and last time LOVE is mentioned at all in Genesis!

You'd think LOVE would feature more prominently in the Book of Genesis, since Love helps in the CREATION of... you know... more people.

(bow chicka bow)

Love and Alcohol.

Speaking of both...


In college, I watched as my buddies got girlfriends, rounded the bases multiple times, copped many-a feel, and it drove me crazy!

But not anymore.

Before I got married, some guys asked me, "Dude, you're settling down? Don't you want to play the field?"

I can honestly say... No. I was on the field for a short while and all I got were multiple concussions. Besides, you stay on the field too long, you end up crippled.

I never belonged on the field. I was never a "player." I wasn't even in the game! I wasn't on the team! I was outside the stadium, driving around, looking for a parking space.

Besides, now... why would I need to play the field? I already won the game.

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